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1. Categorize Your Photos


Start piling up those photos!  I'm a chronological kind of person.  So one suggestion would be to make piles of your photos in the year that the photos or slides are marked or the year you believe it was taken.


Another way would be categorize by person places or events.


It's doesn't matter to us how you organize we just want to create thought of orgazation before you scan so you can avoid organizing on your computer.  Pluse

Here's How to Prepare Your Slides Before You Drop Them Off


To keep the scanning cost to a minimum we recommend that you organize your photos before you drop them off.  Afterall, you know your photos better than we do, we wouldn't want to assume the order of the photos you want scanned.  Below we have some instructions/recommendations for us to get through your photos most proficiently.

2. Bind Them Up!


Now that you've organized your photos lets figure out a way to keep each group together. 


In the sample to the left you can see i went ahead and used a rubber band.  Just be sure the rubber band is not to strong where it will end up folding or ripping the photos.  Make sure there is just enough tension in the band to just keep them from coming undone.

3. Label The Group


Tell us what you want to name the files as we scan them.  This should be a simple 1 word or year of the photos that are grouped.  So in the photo to the left I have named them Group1 and Group2.  The scanned files will be returned to you as Group1-001.jpg, Group1-002.jpg, etc.  As well as the second group will be call Group2-001.jpg, Group2.-002. 


My personal scans are grouped by year, so my files are named 1971-001.jpg, 1971-002.jpg, etc. This is just another way for consider how you want to group your photos.


* If you are using a post-it style paper, be sure to write the group name on the paper before putting it onto the stack of photos.  This will prevent ink from bleeding through the paper and onto the photo as well as an indentation from a ball point pen on the photo. 

3. Box Them Up


Go ahead place the binded photos into a box.  Place them in the order you want them scanned.  Bring them in to us and we'll take care of the rest.


And be assured that we will repack them the way you gave them to us. 



How to Prepare

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